Saturday, February 4, 2012


What DOES Liebster mean, you ask? (I had to look it up, so I would know exactly was I was being awarded.) According to Google Translate, it means....


(in German)

My awesomely awesome critique partner, Amy Christine Parker (who recently signed with agent Lucienne Diver! WOO HOO!!! (Told you she was awesome.)) passed the Liebster torch on to me!

The Liebster Award is for blogs who have less than 200 followers (I have THREE. COME ON PEOPLE YOU'LL LIKE ME I SWEAR I'M NOT CREEPY) and it is meant to help increase followers/viewers of those blogs!

So, according the rules, I get to pick 5 blogs that are my "liebster" (I don't speak German and I'm sure that's not the correct conjugation, but you know what I mean) and pass the torch on to them! YAY! AND I have to tell you five things about myself that you might not know. It's going to be really hard to follow Amy's, whose life reads like a contemporary YA novel. :-D  But on we go!

My Picks:

1.) Melissa Hurst ( )
2.) Stefanie Gaither ( )
3.) Jenny S. Morris ( )
4.) Lisa Styles Lofland ( )
5.) Mindee Arnett ( )

All these ladies are writers such as myself-- some are agented, some have book deals, some are aspiring (like me!) and ALL are working hard to make their dreams come true. I have had the pleasure of reading a few of these bloggers' manuscripts, and they are ALL talented people! Their blogs give me inspiration and keep me going when I feel like I'm the only one who thinks writing books is a fun-but-hard thing to do. Follow them!

And now for the five things you (probably wish) you didn't know about me: (evil laugh)

1.) I am terrified of mold/mildew. I don't know why, but even the thought of it makes my skin crawl. Because of this, I am also afraid of shower curtains, outdoor cushions, and wet rags. EW.

(This photo will give me nightmares for days. *closes eyes and keeps typing*)

2.) I wrote a post about this already, but flying squirrels haunt me. Seriously. They've broken into my house, my vacation cabin,  caused my husband to fall off a ladder, and a few other things. I'm convinced it's one squirrel that hides around the corners and waits for me to let my guard down so it can attack. I'm not afraid of it though. I'm plotting my squirrel revenge. 

3.)   I once saw the end of a rainbow. Someone had already snagged the pot of gold, though.

(Sadly, this is not my photo. I had a crappy phone and no camera the day I saw mine! It looked like this, just in the parking lot at my university.)

4.) I have a severe addiction to lip balm. I suspect that I have over 20 tubes of it in my possession right now. THIS is my new favorite: 

(Click on photo for link to buy. The "sweet mint" flavor is the best!!!)

5.) I can sing. Here's a clip of my sister and me doing karaoke. (The Sister is gonna kill me when she finds out that I put this on the internet, but I don't have any videos on this computer of me singing alone. I LOVE YOU SISSY! You sing better than me anyway!) And I'd like apologize in advance for my husband's awful video recording skills. He's good at lots of other things. 

So anyway, follow my blog (if you want... PLEASE?) and follow these other FIVE wonderful women. (SIX if you haven't followed Amy's blog yet) You will not regret it and will be wiser for it! Now I'm off to the revision cave to work on my LAST round of edits before I close my WICKED ILLUSIONS doc for good. (Unless some agent out there likes these new edits, that is. And if not, maybe I'll rewrite it someday when I'm a better writer) Wish me mental strength and clever phrases! :-D


  1. Hi! Amy gave me the award too : ) So you now have four followers :D

    I had a spider arch nemesis for a few weeks once, but never anything larger. I'll be vigilant about those squirrels though, just in case they ever make it over the pond : D

    1. Ah spiders are my other greatest fear! And yes, the flying squirrels are so cute with their huge eyes and winged arms, but after you have one jump on you and attempt to climb your pajamas, they aren't so cute anymore! LOL. And thanks for the follow! I followed you as well. :-D

  2. Thanks for the award!

    I am afraid of spiders and snakes. *shudders* I wish I could find a way to get rid of both! That's so funny about the rainbow-I saw the end of a rainbow once. It was in the field behind my house. Sadly, no pot of gold was in sight:(

    1. Those darn leprechauns are getting stingy these days!

  3. CONGRATS on your award!
    And, OMG, that mold! *shudder*

    I have never once seen a flying squirrel. I mean, in books or on TV, yes, but IRL, no. I don't *think* it would scare me. BUT, BATS freak my shiz, so, maybe I'd confuse one for the other and I would freak out. That said, ANY uninvited WILD animal in my house is a big hell no. (no to bugs, too)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog...nice to meet you. :)


    1. That pic was the first thing that came up when I googled "mildew". Makes me shiver!! GROSS
      And my squirrel adventures have been... interesting. LOL
