Monday, February 24, 2014

Life Is Beautiful


Dear Julia,

I just want you to know that you are so loved. I've thought about you at least 1,697 times today. I found myself crying in the middle of Target this afternoon because it seemed like every time I turned around, there you were. Pieces of your beautiful soul are everywhere. 

I've only known you for two years, but you have no idea what an impact you made on me in that short time. 

1.) The fact that from Day 1 of meeting me, you called me Stefani ("you know, like Gwen?") and never called me anything but.  
2.) The way you shared your addiction to chewy sweet tarts with me (thanks for that, by the way. Those things are like crack). 
3.) The way you sang "Georgia" every time anyone did a Waffle House deposit. 
4.) You were the only person I knew who shared a slight obsession with me over Leonardo DiCaprio, because he has somehow managed to get MORE good looking since Titanic. "Can't repeat the past? Oh I assure you, old sport, you can." (You can pretend to die in the ocean as a poor guy and then come back as a rich guy, only to actually die in a pool--our Great Gatsby/Titanic conspiracy theory!)
5.) Even though you sort of tortured Jade's cat (let's not forget the time you shaved him), I know deep down you really loved him. 
6.) And then there was the night that we both drank too much, yet you still rubbed my back while I threw up hot wings in some guy's driveway. 

ALL things I will never forget. 

But the way you lit up every room you entered was my favorite. I could have been having the worst day, and you would walk in and change the atmosphere of the entire building, making it impossible to not be happy. You had a presence about you that will continue to live on for years and years to come, because nobody that knew you can think about you and not smile. 

Not only could you always make everyone laugh, but you had the biggest heart. I'll never forget the day you told off the man in the doctor's office because he was making fun of his autistic son. And the little boy you bought Christmas presents for because he told you that Santa wasn't going to come see him this year. And even the day you insisted I take your hair tie because you couldn't stand to see me wad mine up with a rubber band, because you knew it would "hurt like a bitch" later, taking it out. You always saw the best in people (with that one exception that we'll just keep between us, because I totally agree with you) and it rubbed off on every single one.

You came from one of the most amazing families I've had the pleasure of meeting, and I know that they had a huge part in making you who you were. You can take comfort in the fact of knowing that virtually every one of the people who you have made friends with have been there to help, or have offered to help them get through this rough week. I have never seen so much food in one kitchen in my life. You are treasured by SO many people, sweet girl.

The day you stopped breathing was not the day your life ended. I am just ONE of the hundreds of people you have touched. Every time someone has a memory of you--and believe me, you are not the type of girl people will EVER forget--your life is carried on. Life IS beautiful, as you loved to say. And you can bet that none of us will ever take for that granted. Because after all, "YOLO, baby!" I love you, Joo-Ya!! You will be with me, always.