Thursday, February 16, 2012

New Ideas Solve Everything

1.) I sent out my last queries for WICKED ILLUSIONS. If this round doesn't land me an agent, I'm moooving on a la Rascall Flatts.

2.) I haz NEW ideas. I've written the first three chapters of three different novels, and since I can't pick just one yet, I am writing two of them right now. One may get more focus than the other because I have to submit a new chapter every other week to my Fiction Writing class at school, and it's the one I've already introduced to the class. (Hint? Brain tumor. Society on the verge of downfall. Yes, the two are related. Mwahahaha)

3.) But the other idea is SO tantalizing that I might just write it Kiersten White style. It's something I've always wanted to write, but never really put down on paper. Last night during a particularly loud thunderstorm, I was laying in bed relishing the sound of thunder and lightning-- which I LOVE-- when all the sudden this entire book just flooded into my head. I immediately grabbed my phone and emailed myself a loose outline, but I dreamed about it all night long. I was delighted to find that this morning I still loved the idea-- and actually understood something that I typed half asleep at midnight. I've never had  an entire plot come into my head so strong and quickly. I had to work HARD for the plot of WICKED ILLUSIONS and I still don't really know how the story in #2 will end. But this idea has dominated my brain completely, and I've already got seven characters fully formed and sketched out as of today. These people have obviously been hiding in the back on my brain just waiting for me to finally give up on my three-year-book and move on to something new. I won't say much about it, except this one, tiny hint:

(If you figure it out from this picture, we need to be friends immediately)

4.) On a completely unrelated note, I have been scouring the internet for things to take my mind off of querying, and I came across this little beauty. Watch it-- whether you love Twilight or hate it, this is guaranteed to make you laugh.


  1. totally intrigued by your next project...can't wait to see it:-) And so jealous, mine never come to me that well formed!

  2. I just had no. 3 happen to me too! And it's never happened to me before either!!

    I was 19k words in to Book The Third when I set it aside because it wasn't working. Then Book The Fourth snuck up on me and ambushed my brain. And it was AWESOME :D

    Best of luck with all your projects.

  3. Oh my God, that parody was awesome! Yay new book ideas! XD
