Friday, May 4, 2012

The Writer's Voice #181

I'm sure most of you have heard about mutli-blog, mulit-agented "The Writer's Voice" contest, hosted by Cupid's Literary Connection, Brenda Drake, Monica B.W., and Krista Van Dolzer. If you've been living under a rock, a pile of edits, or you know, it you're not a writer, it's basically like the t.v. show, The Voice-- ten entries move to the second round, and then get a coach to help polish their entries before the agents see them. 

Contests like these are a fantabulous way (that's right, I said FANTABULOUS) for agent-seeking writers to rise to top of the slush pile AND meet other writers-- which, in my opinion is the only way to stay sane while querying a project. Meeting other writers who are going through the same thing as you makes the process much less alcohol-involved (usually). 

I wasn't going to enter this contest because I'd decided last month that I was going to retire the manuscript I've been querying. But then I remembered how many friends I made when I entered the Agent Invasion contest (and I got two requests out of it!) so I decided this was my last chance to give this manuscript one more little push into the world (that sounded gross. It was not meant to sound gross.)

So anyway, here is my submission for my YA Fantasy, WICKED ILLUSIONS. I'm number 181.

 Hope you like it. :-)


Sixteen-year-old Lilly Elliott is surrounded by death. In her hometown of Ironbrook, a mysterious fog claims the life of one resident every full moon— a death lottery that no one wants to win. She and the other townspeople would move if they could, but the fog is only one part of the complicated curse that envelops their town; no one can leave. Ever. If they try, the question of their death goes from possible to certain.

As if getting a regular dose of death isn’t enough, Lilly is also having vivid dreams about a missing boy who has a connection to the curse, and she’s starting to fall for him. She’s also recently discovered that she can bring dead things back to life, which could be the saving grace for the town of Ironbrook, except for one small problem; her power comes with a price. For every life she saves, she must replace the energy that she’s given away, and she can only do that by killing someone else. When Blair, an odd classmate, reveals the truth about Lilly’s new abilities, it doesn’t take Lilly long to find out that Blair has everything to do with the things that plague the town. And things in Ironbrook? Just. Get. Weirder.
Blair has the same abilities as Lilly, and is addicted to the way it feels to drain a life. She’ll do whatever she can to get Lilly to use her powers as well, including killing Noah, the boy she loves. To save Noah, her family, and the other residents of her town, Lilly has to figure out a way to stop Blair, which may start a war that she doesn’t know how to win.

WICKED ILLUSIONS is a YA fantasy novel, complete at 65,000 words. 


Someone will die tonight. I wish I know who it’ll be so I can relax. Or not. 
I wrap my arms around my legs, settling my chin on top of my knees so I can peer out over the yard. The full moon reflects off of every surface, and the silvery light, almost milky in the dark midnight air, causes my world to glow. Sitting on the wide square of the front porch roof, just outside my bedroom window, is something I do every month when the full moon calls the deadly black fog into Ironbrook.
 Cursed. That's what they say is wrong with our town.
The fog slithers over the pavement below me, oozing across the yard and around the houses in our neighborhood. The thick, inky mist wraps around the oak trees and flowers, choking them in shadows. No one dares to leave their house on the eve of the full moon, in fear of what the fog might do to them if it touches their skin. I'm safe on the roof though, looming above the silent poison. I shiver as a strong breath of wind blows across the night sky, causing the haze to curl and ebb through the neighborhood at a faster pace.
The fog dances through the air and swirls around the posts of the porches that line the edges of the street. With a gust of wind, a thin tail of the black cloud suddenly twists and rises to the edge of the roof where I’m sitting. 


  1. Nice! I LOVE fog, but the way you describe not sure if I'd like that kind.

    Good LUCK!

  2. I remember reading your query back when we first met- I've always thought it sounded like a really intriguing story. I'd love to read it! And your first 250 are great. Good luck!!

  3. Go Stefanie!! This story sounds so intriguing! Good luck to you!

  4. Intriguing concept and great writing. The world sounds fantastic. Good luck to you! I'm #71 in the contest.

  5. Oh, hey, way to end your 250 in a way that will leave me TOTALLY PANICKED GEEZ. Just kidding, we know she lives, but heck if I wouldn't turn the page in a heartbeat. Awesome work.

    Also - This is like Once Upon a Time meets Pushing Daisies meets something else awesome I can't think of, which makes me think probably an agent should snap this sucker up because they'll be getting 15% of your books sales, PLUS your TV and movie

  6. Lovely, lyrical, atmospheric writing (the grammar police will get me for 3 adj's in a row) and a cool concept. The heart-shaped stones speak to me in ways you can't begin to imagine, and at 51 (and writing MG/YA) I am the original Peter Pan.
    Good Luck Stefanie (my daugther is Stef too)
    Jacky (#130)

  7. When you mentioned she has to kill the boy she loves, I thought that was a really good way to show how your story goes. That caught me right away! Nice job, and I love the fog idea :) Good luck!

  8. Love this premise and great writing! Good luck!

    -Sarah #146

  9. Great premise! Love your writing style.

    The smack talking will commence post haste!!

  10. I remember seeing this before. See the point is, I remember! Good job and good luck! : )

  11. Go Stef, Go Stef!!! Of course I've read this lots and lots, but still LOVE it and how you polished it. Good luck with the contest!!!

  12. Ooo slithers, what a cool verb choice for the fog. Excellent. Great set-up! Good luck ;o)

  13. This sounds like something I could read.
    Stopping by to wish you luck in TWV. :)

  14. I love the creepy tone to this! The imagery in your 250 is beautiful - it's like the town is also a character in the story, too. Good luck!

  15. Good luck, love a good creepy story!

  16. Ooh, nice! Love your story and first 250. What a way to end it!

  17. I love the idea of a curse holding them in the town and if they leave they will die. Good luck in the contest!

  18. Great query! Love it! And fabulous blog that i'm following no! good luck!!

  19. This is good stuff! I love the "Or not" sentence in your opening paragraph. It says everything thing that needs to be said from both sides of the question... can se relax if she knows its her turn? Or can she relax if she knows she is safe. Powerful, compact, essential.
    That is the prose I love to read.
    Good luck Stefanie, though I don't think you need it - you nailed this nicely.

  20. Good luck on your entry!!

    Summer - #40

  21. I like your voice! Good luck!!

    Cherie #136

  22. I remember this entry from another contest - I love the atmosphere and the voice of it! Good luck!

  23. Hi Stefanie. I'm stopping by from the Writer's Voice contest (entry #58) to wish you the best of luck. I'm now also your newest follower, so: nice to meet you!

  24. Oh, interesting premise! Love it. Good luck!

    ~Nicole, entry 68

  25. Oooooh...creepy and wonderful. The market can't be too full for this--I would pay money for it! I'm glad you entered, if only so I could feel curious about what happens with Lilly and Blair...

  26. Oo, I like this concept. :) Good luck!
