Monday, March 12, 2012

What People Think We Do

The other day, I saw this photo on twitter:

(I couldn't find the original source, but I send thanks to the maker of this!)

It's so true!!

This week, I took a vacation from work so I could stay at home and do nothing but write for SEVEN WHOLE DAYS-- IT'S BEEN BLISS, I TELL YOU!

Except, my husband doesn't seem to realize what I'm actually doing, though I've tried to explain it to him. He has called me so many times today to chat, since I'm "not doing anything." (NOT DOING ANYTHING??? *shakes fist*) Don't get me wrong, I love talking to my love, but every five minutes??? I'm trying to work. He says: "Work, huh?" (*shakes fist again*)

I have only written 1500 words of my 5000 word goal today. (And of course, I am only prolonging my goal by writing this blog post. But it's lunchtime, okay? Don't judge me.)

 Anyway, to those of you are not writers, here is a small tip: When we say we are writing, we are not lounging around eating candy and frittering away our time. Okay, maybe there *is* some candy eating, but when I'm sitting here staring into space, I am CREATING something inside my head.

As one of my literature professors asked my class last semester, "When is loafing not laziness?"
Answer: When you are writing.

Writing involves LOTS of thinking and staring into space, and though most everyone who doesn't write may not think so, it's HARD work. It's FUN work, sure, but that doesn't make it easy.


  1. I'm lucky my husband is a musician who writes music, so he totally gets it. I LOVE that poster.

  2. That poster is awesome--laughed and showed my hubby when it went up on Twitter. Um, your word count goal is amazing!!I write full time from home and most days I feel really good if I make it over 2k. *in awe of your productivity* Writing long hand then typing=double the time each page.
