Monday, May 16, 2011

Book Reviews!

 Words.  Words are only a combination of letters and symbols.  It seems simple, right? But without words, we wouldn't have our language.  We wouldn't have names.  We wouldn't have books.  Words are important.  
Books have always been my way of being able to travel to another city, or country, even another world without actually having to leave my house.  The right combination of words can make characters jump right off the page.  Good authors have you wrapped up in the story and loving or hating their characters within seconds of opening the book.  It's amazing how you can fall in love with someone without actually having met them face to face. (Edward Cullen, anyone?)  But the greatest thing is, you get to know what they are thinking at all times.  Haven't we all said at one point or another in our lives that we would love to know what everyone is thinking right now?  Well when you read, you get to do just that. 
Books can be so engrossing, so utterly enthralling, that they can suck you in so incredibly deep that you refuse to put it down until you finish.  When you can't stop reading while you cook, or while you shower, or while you eat; it blows me away that a person can create a world so intensely interesting that you can't live until you make sure that the character is going to be okay in his or her own life first.
I learn something new every time I pick up a new book.  Whether it be a word that I have never heard before, or a town that I have never visited, or a culture that I never knew anything about, reading will ALWAYS teach me something.  So I have decided that whenever I read a new book, I will write a short review and then tell you what that book taught me.  I am big fan of YA paranormal (since that is the type of book that I am writing), but I read all genres.  I look forward to sharing my journeys with you, and hope that it inspires you to go buy a book and learn something!

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