Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Is It Just Me?

Is it just me, or is the final book in a series never as good as the rest?  I have noticed a pattern with the last few series books that I have read lately; I have felt empty after reading the final book of the series -almost EVERY series that I have ever read. As of late, I have read; The Forest of Hands and Teeth trilogy by Carrie Ryan, The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins, and don't even get me started on the whole disgusting baby love thing in Breaking Dawn, of the Twilight series. Every one of these series started out great.  The authors (whom I love and will continue to eagerly await their next books) had prose that wouldn't leave my mind for weeks afterwards. These were books that I couldn't put down even if i tried.  I would read each book in a day or two, then I would sit rocking in the corner, clutching my dignity as I waited for the next installment to come out. As each series came to a close, I would hungrily devour the final book just as quickly as I had the previous books.  But for some reason, I didn't feel the same after finishing it.  Sure, I would love more stories told from the points of view of Mary, Gabry, Annah, Katniss, and Bella (and EDWARD of course), but I have never felt the urge to read a final book more than once.  I don't think I have everread the end of a series more than once.

Do I feel this way because deep down I am sad that it is truly over -that I will never hear that character's thoughts again? Or is it because all of the ends of these series were conflicted with war and death and sadness? Is it because the end of a book series is like the end of a relationship? (I mean, you have to come to love these characters, and suddenly they just break it off???) Or is it simply because many authors, no matter how great they are, cannot figure out how to write an ending that will satisfy everyone?  I don't know.  Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows was the ONLY book out of a series that I have read so far where I was completely satisfied with the entire book (Take note from J.K. Rowling, self).  Maggie Stiefvater is my FAVORITE author, and her third and final book in The Wolves Of Mercy Falls trilogy comes out this summer.  I have high hopes for her, as she always seems to know the right thing to say.  But my question is, am I the only one who hates endings?  Everything has to come to an end at some point, and maybe that's why I have rarely liked a final story;  I DON'T WANT IT TO END *huddles into my corner and cries, clutching my battered copies of Shiver and Linger*.

Thoughts? Comments?

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